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Image by Luma Pimentel



What is the difference between a doula and a midwife?

Doulas provide emotional, physical, and mental support throughout pregnancy, birth and postpartum to the gestational parent and their family.
Midwives provide medical care to low risk clients throughout pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. They work to keep the gestational parent and baby safe and healthy.
Both professionals work together to make sure you and your baby are supported throughout all stages of pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

Do you perform any physical examinations?

No, doulas do not perform any medical procedures because it is out of our scope of practice. Doulas do offer support while procedures are being done and can educate you on your options.
Things doulas don't do:
-use a doppler/ fetal heart rate
-check for cervical dilation
-don't diagnose conditions or give medical advice
-give shots, episiotomies, ultrasounds etc

Will hiring a doula effect a partners role?

No, a doula is supportive to both the gestational parent and partner. A doula will work to keep the partner involved to the extent that they feel comfortable.

Does a doula make decisions on my behalf?

No, a doula does not make decisions for you. A doula will provide you with the information needed so you can make an informed choice, supporting you through any decision you wish to make.

When should I hire a doula?

A doula can be hired whenever you want throughout the pregnancy. Looking early to find a doula will give you time to become comfortable with a doula and start to create a relationship; however, some people wish to hire a doula later on in their pregnancy.

If I have a C-section can I still have a doula?

Yes, some hospitals allow doulas into the OR. If a doula isn't allowed in the OR they can still be present before and after the birth for support.

Where do you attend births?

I attend home births and hospital births in the Comox Valley and surrounding area.

As a holistic doula what services do you offer?

A doulas main goal is to support the gestational parent through the childbirth journey, with my training as a holistic doula I can use techniques listed below to help with that:



-herbal medicine

-Tai Qi movements


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